Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Simple Methods To Start Blogging

Creating a blog from scratch – 7 fast and easy steps to start blogging

Author: Kenshini

Blog are online journals. They are used as short form of web logs which means a list of writings on the Internet. When all the writing is combined together to give it a look like a small website it is called a blog. A blog can be comprised of news, articles, personal diary. Below are the 7 steps to start creating a blog from scratch.
1) Choose your blog niches
First thing you should do is to search on the topic you interested or have experienced in such as blogging such as dog training, golf swing etc
2) Buy a domain name
Then go to domain marketplace such as go daddy or namecheap, choose the relevant domain name related to your blog example if you interested in blogging on drawing I suggest that you buy domain name such as "drawingapicture.com, drawingforfun.com, howtodrawing.com". The cost for buying a .com name is around $7-$10 depend on the domain marketplace.
3) Open a hosting account
Then you need to link the blog together with its hosting account. You can open a hosting account for just $8 monthly and it can be used for multiple domain names.
4) Choose blog platform
Creating a blog from scratch is easy, choose a blog platform or interface that you find easy and nice for you. I recommend you to use either wordpress or blogger. For me wordpress is much more better because it is search engine friendly.
5) Search a theme
If you want your blog to look more great, you can find a theme or template that is relevant to your blog content. There are free and also paid theme, for me I suggest if you want to manage your blog easily use the paid one, but if just want to test the waters you can use the free one. If you need to do a custom theme you can also find it and the service will cost you around $50 - $80 depending on the web designer.
6) Publish your blog
Then make sure you create content that is relevant to your blog, let say if you're in dog training you can publish about dog training, dog food, dog health and etc. Please do not mix up your blog with irrelevant content let say you're blogging about golf and your content is about how to diet, how to sleep well, hoe to make money. This is not relevant and the reader will go away from your blog!
7) Monetize your blog
How you can make money with your blog is to add some affiliate link from cpa program, pps program, you can also promote an ebook on your blog. Other way that you can make money from is to set up a page that consist an ecommerce store, many of the bloggers will use amazon associates and include it in their own blog. It is free to set up an amazon.com
Creating a blog from scratch is not hard if you follow the steps that i mention above. These are the steps that is still used until today that make all the bloggers success in blogging.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/blogging-articles/creating-a-blog-from-scratch-7-fast-and-easy-steps-to-start-blogging-4702012.html
About the Author

For more good references on blogging for beginers and expert you can visit http://www.bloggingultimatesecrets.com/



Why Webmaster Hate Black Hat Technology

Should You Consider Using Black Hat Techniques?

Should You Consider Using Black Hat Techniques?

Author: Trish Haill
Everybody who starts a website wants to have it ranked at the top of the Google and other search engine results so that people visit the website. For most there is a financial reason - they are either selling products directly, or want to attract people so that they click on the ads and affiliate links which will make them money. Very few people are not bothered about attracting traffic.

When there's a financial impetus behind something there is an incentive to do anything you can to improve your chances of becoming rich, and there are an awful lot of people out there trying to persuade you to buy their products and services in order to help you become rich quick.

There is an old adage that says the faster they rise, the harder they fall. This is certainly true for a lot of webmasters who have their eye on the ball of getting their sites high up in the page rankings with not too much conscience about how they get there.

Take a step back for a moment and think about things from the position of the search engines. They exist so that people surfing the internet for information can get the answers they are looking for very quickly. If one search engine always offers relevant useful information from the first few sites which appear in the results, and another offers sites which simply contain lists of references or very poor quality information, which search engine would people be drawn to in future? Just like you as a webmaster, the search engines are in business to make money, and to keep and attract their customers they need to make sure they are the most popular search engine on the web

Which is why search engines focus on the quality of the results shown to the public, and continuously try to improve search results. The many regular changes to the Google algorithm is a case in point, but the other search engines make regular changes too.

Let's consider for a moment the difference between White Hat and Black Hat SEO.

Even if you have the best content on the internet in your site and are a specialist in your area, when you construct the most attractive website with easy to use navigation you are unlikely to suddenly find yourself on page one of the search results. This is because there is a lot of competition out there - unless you are writing on, or promoting in, a very obscure area, there is already likely to be hundreds to thousands, or hundreds of thousands of other websites on your subject matter. As these websites may have been around quite a while they have attracted some authority with age. So you, as a new webmaster are going to have an uphill struggle trying to prove that your content is worthy of a higher position in the search results than your competition. If you are going to do things properly then this is going to be a long haul, and whilst there are a number of things you can do, there are no short cuts or magic wands that will get you to the top of Google overnight.

So it can be tempting when you read promises from SEO companies who promise you top rankings on Google within a very short period of time if you use their services. At the best these will be empty promises (it's impossible for everyone to be at the top of Page One!), and at worst they'll be offering Black Hat techniques.

Black Hat is bad for everyone. Black Hat is basically cheating the search engine bots so that they think that the site has more validity and authority than it actually does - a common way is by increasing dramatically the number of back links the site has (which roughly translates as the number of votes of confidence in the site's merit). The search engines list the site at the top of the search results, and the human visitor doesn't find the information they are looking for. If enough poor quality sites appear at the top of the results, the visitor will go to another search engine for better results. The high quality sites that would have provided the visitor with what they are looking for are pushed right down the list, and never get clicked on.

Google is constantly revising its algorithm so that these poor quality sites do not appear on the search results - and in fact remove them from their searches altogether. If you do reach a high ranking through using black hat techniques your position is likely to be shortlived. It is very hard to recover once Google have a black mark against you.

Black Hat techniques highlighted as being bad by Google include having hidden text or links which fool the search bots but can't be seen (and therefore have no value for) the human visitor; pages full of irrelevant keywords (which mean the content is jarbled for the visitor), multiple pages, domains or sub domains full of virtually identical content; doorway pages that just lead you to a site full of adverts or the very worst, have pages which contain malicious content such as viruses or Trojans.

White Hat on the other hand is everything that makes it easy for the search engines to properly index your website so that when a query is entered your page can be correctly identified as one which offers the most relevant response. Put quite simply, the page must be well constructed for both human visitors to read, and for the bots to understand what the page is about. The site should contain both sitemaps for bots, and sitemaps for humans so they can find all the information they need. If you think about how a human discovers information - i.e. by having a correct page and site structure, with easy to follow links and headings which make sense, then you will be producing a high quality site which visitors will enjoy visiting, and will stay on to find more information or products, and likewise will be providing lots of keywords and links for the bots to index.

Once you have a high quality website you still have the uphill struggle to make it to the top of the search engine rankings. This is where you need to get positive votes for your site to show that it is trustworthy and useful, and a site which deserves top poll position. Links from other authorative sites are the most useful. Proper link building is a long slog, and there is no quick easy way to do this. Never think about buying links in bulk - paid for links are not as valuable as good quality links, and Google devalues links that are irrelevant to the content of your site or if they look like they come from a link farm.

Establishing yourself as an authority on a subject is a good way of getting traffic and links. Writing articles on your subject, contributing to blogs and forums are good ways of getting yourself out there and your site noticed.

If you're thinking this sounds like hard work - you're quite right! Which is why so many people resort to black hat techniques, and by responding to offers from companies who promise to get you that coveted No 1 slot without any effort on your part.

But if you're tempted to take a short cut consider the penalties. You may have a great number of sites and don't care if some get de-indexed. You might not care that any success with any of your sites might be shortlived. But if your website is your baby which you've invested your heart and soul, not to mention time and energy into, it will be devastating if you get on the wrong side of the search engines.

Search engines are concerned with identifying the sites which give the best answers to the queries that are asked. Search engines are not human, so they cannot judge the information presented and therefore need to rely on the votes (links) other people give to your site. Having content which will provide good quality, easy to find answers to the questions asked and having lots of links to your site will eventually get you to the top of the search pages - and will make it easier for you to stay there. Getting there quick with Black Hat techniques might help you make it to the top, but expect a quick tumble, not just to the bottom, but into oblivion!


Trish Haill has worked in the It Industry for 15 years and is experienced with local government and company websites. Having designed and published several successful and acclaimed websites in her own right, the secrets of good website design and publishing are now shared at Webmaster Productions

How To Choose Best Keywords For Domain Name

The Issue of Keywords in Domain Names

The Issue of Keywords in Domain Names

Author: Pat Boardman
The official story of search engines like Google is that their algorithms are sophisticated enough to highlight keywords in domain names yet not give them any added weight or consideration. In daily observation there seem to be exceptions. In one study 48% of people noticed keywords were a noticeable factor in Google searches. In fact, SEOs report seeing keywords in the domain factor all the time. According to inside sources keywords have the same weight anywhere in the page URL.

The modern convenient way to find out information is to send bits of computer magic with two or three details you know about the subject matter, and it will go out into the Web and return with mountains of answers from which to choose. Words running for words sooner or later get you the information you want.

Very few Internet searches are based on one word on its own: a second word normally qualifies the search to information that is common to both and then narrow down the number of things that can be associated with those two words and bring up the web sites where they are most plentiful, Sometimes more words are needed to make the search more specific.

In some industry sectors there are a limited number of key phrases available so some thought should be given to having a certain word as part of a domain name, considering how often a word like "limo" is used as at least one-half of the search term in the limousine rental industry. The fact that an exact match is a possibility in so many searches makes it an important decision when there are many competitors trying to rank for the same words. Identifying the profession can provide some certainty that the web site will rank, with or without back links. Having a trade or product identified in your brand is wise, as it is in the name of your web site.

The domain can therefore include your brand and your major keyword to make clear what you do or where you do it. Thus, "Smithville Plumbers" would come up on top if someone was in Smithville, had a plumbing problem, then went over to the computer and typed those two words, "Smithville" and "plumbers" into a search bar to call for assistance.

Other opportunities exist to include keywords in your message content, without overdoing it (or "keyword stuffing") which can get penalized. Inner page URLs and sub-domains, headers, tags, and anchor text are all spaces that should be filled with identifying terms. Measuring the "keyword density" of the text on each page should be performed by the SEO consultant to make sure there are a maximum of 3% keywords within the content.

More important is the factor of "quality" of the web site. Keywords can't be ignored when selecting domain names or developing brands but once the search engines consider a page high-quality entity on the Web with a clear purpose and message then it will rank higher in searches. The days of temporary takeovers are over, it is not as easy to displace an established site as it once was.

If the decision is to use keywords when purchasing the domain name, you have the option of putting in dashes to make the words stand out separately, both to humans and the search engines. Two dashes maximum should be used. The search engines can still usually read the words if there are no dashes unless a different word exists by chance from consecutive letters in different words. Domain name registration forms will offer both choices, in order for you to be aware that you can reserve other available domain name combinations as well to prevent others from taking them over.

Pat Boardman is an SEO Consultant writing in respect to domain names registrar company Sibername, who also provide web hosting internationally.

Best Domain Registration And Web Hosting In India

Domain Registration India- Affordable Prices
Domain Registration India- Affordable Prices
India Internet is a web based solutions company provide domain registration India, web hosting, Linus hosting, windows hosting, mail solution, VPS server, SSL certification, payment gateway India and all web related services. We provide domain .com, net, biz, info, in, org, co.in, us, co.uk, tv,cc,name, mobi, co,asia etc.

We provide domain registration India services has become a pretty easy process over the years. To start this trouble-free process. you select the available domain name that you would like, submit your name, address and other personal information and launching your own successful website.

We provide domain registration can be a very competitive and a very expensive process. So, cheaper domain registration Delhi services are available and more accessible to people. There are more affordable ways to get your domain name registered at much cheaper prices than the leading competitors..

If you are looking to register domain name then you have two options - you can either register your domain name with a more affordable domain registration company or pay two to three times the amount you should with a more expensive domain registration company. Whenever you are going to register a domain name, some of the more larger companies may over charge you. We provide domain and web hosting services at extremely high rates but there is no reason to over charge for something that should be quite affordable.

We offers cheap Domain Registration India,Web Hosting India, Payment Gateway India, SSL Certificate India, VPS Hosting India, Australia, UK, USA services. You can registering for a domain is one of the most basic aspects of developing a site, yet at the same time, it can be vital to a site's success. Domain Registration India is available nowadays and you can easily have your website hosted, email accounts at your own domain without having to buy your own computer and bandwidth to operate your own web server.

India Internets is a most wonderful web solutions provide Domain Registration India & all web related services. You need to ensure that you have all of the registration details in the event that you change website hosts. If the domain name has been registered in the website host's name, you may be unable to edit, renew or cancel the registration. Therefore, asking for the registration of the domain names to be in your name is essential. Understanding every element of the registration process is vital, and will ensure that your name remains secure.

You can choose domain name registrations can be selected lengthy, For an example when your competitor company acquired a name for which you are searching about, than you can expand your domain name by entering your that product name which is famous in the market. In my point of view many of simple and easy recalled names are not available now such as doit.com or best.com, but when you are trying to choose a name, your name should be significant or an arrangement of letters.

India Internet also offers professional website design India and redesign services at a fraction of the normal web design cost. Your website is professionally designed from scratch with you and launched once you are satisfied. We offers all web related services at affordable prices. For more information please visit our website:- http://www.indiainternet.in/

India Internet is a web solution company provide Domain Registration India, Web hosting India, Payment gateway India, SSL Certification India, Domain Registration Delhi & all web related services.

For more details

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Searching For Adobe Dreamweaver Courses

Web Design training course with Adobe Dreamweaver

Author: Jennifer Mears

If you are looking at a future career in web design or need to understand web design to help you design and maintain your own website, selecting the right course in this area will provide you with the tools and techniques you will need to enter the ever changing world of website design.

Web design with Adobe Dreamweaver
One of the best web design software applications you can take a course in is Adobe Dreamweaver. The Adobe Dreamweaver software is the preferred industry software of choice for most web designers to day. It is part of the Adobe Creative Suite of software that includes Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Indesign etc.

The software has evolved over a number of years to give you the current version Adobe Dreamweaver CS5. With this software you can design any site from basic to advanced using the tools and techniques provided by Dreamweaver.

As part of your web training you will also need to consider other areas such as creating site hits or traffic, content or site management and E-commerce. This could involve doing courses in web design and database management using programmes such as PHP and MySQL and also courses in SEO (search engine optimization).

Hands on practical training with Dreamweaver
A hands on or practical web design course using Adobe Dreamweaver will explain and demonstrate the step by step skills and procedures you will need to understand and use in the setup, designing and publishing of a website.You may also want to see if an accreditation may be required for a web design job or position you are applying for. This could be provided by an external exam provider such Adobe Certified Professional , FETAC, CIW, etc.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/web-design-articles/web-design-training-course-with-adobe-dreamweaver-3675246.html

About the Author

Jennifer Mears is a Freelance author who writes about computer and business training, To know more about Jennifer's Training ideas please visit http://www.progressivetraining.ie

How You May Choose the Right Web Design Training Course

How You May Choose the Right Web Design Training Course

Author: John Matthews

If you are young and inexperienced, you are likely to find yourself at the career crossroads where you are not sure which way to go. It is quite a common problem and can have serious impact on your future. In todays highly competitive market it is essential for one to choose the career path with serious considerations.

Web designing is a field that is rapidly flourishing and therefore is attracting many young professionals towards it. The web designers are highly in demand for both domestic and foreign companies. Web designing however isn't offered in traditional college curriculum and therefore aspiring candidates are required to depend upon the professional training institutes for web design training course. Hence, if you are a young professional and want to join the web design industry, here is how you may find the right web design training course for yourself.

Determine your interest: Although the web design market in growing that necessarily doesn't mean that it is the right industry for you. As basic qualities a web designer should possess set of skills like artistic bent of mind, knowledge of drawing and color schemes and the like. A web design training course can offer you only the knowledge of technology required for web designing.

Ask suggestions: If you have not yet determined which institute to join then you can seek suggestions from friends and peers regarding the best web design training course available in the market.

Career fairs: Career fairs are now quite popular worldwide. In such fairs professional training institutes, colleges and universities from different parts of the world gather to attract aspiring students. You can compare the web design training course offered by various institutes by visiting their stalls. This will help you make an informed decision.

Search online: You can now find a web design training course through search engines. You can search online with terms like - "web design courses" to find a right option. You may visit the websites of the web design training course providers as well for more information on their courses.

Career forums: If you are not sure which web design training course to pursue you may ask your questions on the online forums. There are many career forums available online where the likeminded professionals gather to share their knowledge and expertise.

Talk to industry experts: You can also talk to the industry experts regarding their views on best web design training course. They can also enlighten you on the ongoing market trend in the industry.

Compare courses: Compare the course content of different institutes and choose the one that would best suit your needs. You may also take into account the scopes of advance learning with the institute at the time of joining. Also take into account their infrastructural facilities, faculty strength, industrial recognition as deciding factors.

As we are getting more dependent on the web based world the demand for skilled web designers are likely to grow in the future. The demand for web design training course would also grow along with, which is likely to encourage many more professional institutes to offer such courses. Students therefore have to be more careful in choosing the most appropriate web design training institute.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/online-education-articles/how-you-may-choose-the-right-web-design-training-course-4159594.html
About the Author

John Matthews is a web design specialist with many years of experience in design and development of websites. He holds a degree in website designing and imparts web design training courses. For more information visit http://www.indusnetacademy.com/

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to Promote Your website and Products

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Cheap Web Hosting Packages In Australia

Web hosting

Looking for a home for your website? Look no further. Our affordable web hosting services are fast, reliable and secure – so your site loads up quickly and dependably and your data is safe.

And we offer complete flexibility – so as your needs change, your web hosting package can too.Read More

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Australian Web Hosting Company Smarty Host Contact Details

Contact Us

Phone Contact:
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Contact Technical Support
Contact Sales
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Web Hosting In Australia Smarty Host Details

Welcome to SmartyHost!

Since its launch in 1999, SmartyHost has been dedicated to providing reliable and affordable web services to individuals and businesses of all sizes. During this time SmartyHost has grown significantly and now provides web hosting and domain name services to over 60,000 customers.
SmartyHost is an Accredited Registrar for Australian domains names and has met the strict guidelines set out by AUDA (the .au Domain Administration Ltd). As an Accredited Registrar, SmartyHost is part of a small group of companies entrusted with managing Australian domain names.
In 2008, a new chapter was created when SmartyHost was purchased by MYOB* - a trusted supplier of software services to more than 700,000 businesses worldwide for over 17 years.

However, the essence of SmartyHost remains the same - making our web services easy to use and affordable for everyone.

* SmartyHost is a business unit of MYOB Australia E1 Pty Ltd

Web Host in Australia

Contact details of Web Host In Australia
Whether you are a prospective or an exisiting client we look forward to hearing from you

Existing Clients

In your welcome email you will have received the user name and password for your account. If you go to clients.fluccs.com.au you will be able to log in to your individual client area. Here you will be able to access any current and past invoices along with your full account information

You can also use the Help Desk facility to submit any query you may have

Prospective Clients

If you have any questions, no matter how small or large please get in touch using either the phone number or Live Chat facility to the top left of here

Failing that we can be contacted by

Email using webaus.sales@webhostsaustralia.com.au

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Yahoo! Web Hosting Reliability/Performance rating

Yahoo! Web Hosting for small businesses is quite impressive when it comes to reliability and performance. Since their customer base is (mainly) small business owners, they understand the importance of reliability and therefore take any and all necessary precautions that will support this feature in order to promote themselves as a web hosting provider that can be trusted.
Yahoo! does everything in their power to make sure that your website does not experience any sort of down time, and claims that the websites they host have a 99.9% uptime attributed to their business. Due to the fact that there are minimal complaints in this particular area, it can reasonably be assumed that downtime is not a problem when it comes to using Yahoo! In fact, there are many more praises about Yahoo!'s Web Hosting services than complaints, which is quite reassuring.
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Choose Good Domain name and get Huge Traffic
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GHow To Optimize Your Newly Website
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Yahoo! Web Hosting Features rating

When you sign up with Yahoo!'s Web Hosting services, you are getting a free domain name, up to 1,000 email addresses/professional email service with unlimited storage, 10GB - unlimited disk space, and 1000GB - unlimited data transfer. Although other web hosting companies tend to offer these options when it comes to disk space, storage, and emails, Yahoo! offers unlimited as a default due to the expected (and unexpected!) needs that a small business requires.
Custom Website. Yahoo! Web Hosting lets you create a custom website, so your website can truly be as unique as you would like it to be.
Interactive Features. Slideshows, video galleries, audio tracks, special form creation, PayPal buttons, maps/driving directions, and social networks are all available to choose from and are all considered to be some of the top interactive features that customers are currently using to build their small business websites.
Reports. Yahoo! offers the ability to track how many visitors are visiting your website either on a daily or monthly basis. This information is provided to you in order to help your website climb that all-important ranking ladder that can get your website noticed!
Customer Support. 24/7 support is available via phone, email, and/or online.

Yahoo Web Hosting - Your A-Z Guide for picking a Web Hosting Plan and Exclusive Yahoo Web Hosting Coupon

Company Description
Due to Yahoo!'s ability to understand the importance of creating their own special place in the Web Hosting industry, the niche they chose to focus on - Small Business Web Hosting - is a really smart idea! Not only because Yahoo! is separating themselves from the other, various Web Hosting companies by carving out their own special niche, but also because they are offering anything and everything that business owners may need in order to build a professional website that can attract customers as well as the ability to promote any products and/or services they may have for sale.
Product Description and Different Plans Offered
Yahoo! offers 3 different Web Hosting plans, with discounts available when you purchase a longer contract.
Basic - $4.99 $2.50 a month (50% off!) with a one year term, no set up fee, 100GB of storage, and 1000GB of bandwidth.
Advanced - $7.99 $4.00 (50% off!) with a one year term, no set up fee, 500GB of storage, and 5000GB of bandwidth.
Premier - $11.99 $6.00 (50% off!) with a one year term, no set up fee, unlimited storage, and unlimited bandwidth.
Know that if you plan on signing up with Yahoo! Web Hosting services that your subscription will be automatically renewed for another term. If you decide that Yahoo! Web Hosting is not for you, be sure to call and cancel your account in order to avoid any future billing.
*Yahoo! occasionally offers discounts on their web hosting services, which can save you lots of money in the long run! 25% off specials are not uncommon.

Yahoo Web Hosting Review & Summary

Welcome to the Yahoo Web Hosting Resource and Overview Page. As a resource to our users, we have provided a summary of the Yahoo Web Hosting plans, prices, and features, plus links to reviews, coupons, promo codes, and ratings. We also encourage you to submit your own feedback or questions via our Forums.

Important - To take advantage of the Yahoo! Web Hosting discount, please make sure you are not signed into any Yahoo! product before clicking the coupon link (e.g. Yahoo! Mail, My Yahoo!).

Coupons & Promo Codes: Yahoo Domains

Welcome to the Yahoo Small Business Coupons page. Here you will find coupons, coupon codes, promo codes, and discount codes for Yahoo Small Business products such as Yahoo Domain Names, Yahoo Web Hosting, & Yahoo Store/Merchant Solutions, which is Yahoo Small Business's E-commerce platform. You can also access reviews for Yahoo Small Business products by clicking the following: Yahoo Domains Review, Yahoo Web Hosting Review, or Yahoo Merchant Solutions Review.
You can redeem any of the coupons by clicking on the "Start Now" button for the coupon you wish to claim. Also, you can now sort, share, & vote for your favorite Yahoo Small Business coupons and promo codes. To sort in ascending order by a category, please select an option from the drop down. Hot Coupons are exclusive to us from Yahoo Small Business or highly recommended by us.
Popularity is a metric where you, the user, can vote for the coupons you like. Please click on the “Like” linke if you like the coupon and would like to vote the coupon up in - Your vote will contribute to the popularity total.
Important - To take advantage of the Yahoo! Web Hosting discount, please make sure you are not signed into any Yahoo! product before clicking the coupon link (e.g. Yahoo! Mail, My Yahoo!).
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How To Choose A Domain Extensions

Many countries now lease out the rights to use their extensions globally. The best example of this is the .tv domain, which actually belongs to Tuvalu. There are now over 250 TLD's globally

A number of new Top Level Domain (TLD) extensions including .biz and .info were also recently released amid a great deal of fanfare. These are usually more expensive to register.

There is the temptation that if your first choice of names isn't available as a .com, to register the name as a .net, .biz or .tv etc. Think carefully before making this decision. Not only might it cost you more, but also these extensions do not have the recognition of .com - which is the "Beverly Hills" of domain extensions. One of my biggest mistakes in selecting my domain name was to wait for too long - the .com version was already taken by the time I had gotten around to domain name registration and I had to settle for the .net version of my site. Many people now go to the wrong address!

Nationalistic pride is great, but remember that the Internet has broken down international barriers. Think of your target audience. If it is only the people within your own country, a country specific domain is fine; but remember that we are still in the growing stages of the real global economy and it's best to go for .com - why limit yourself? Also, some countries such as Australia have very complex requirements for registering a local domain name.

Generic, Business Domain names and Trademarks

Most people choose to register their business name as a domain name, but it's well worthwhile considering selecting a generic name, something that is related to your subject area or industry. Not only will it be easier for people to remember, but it will also have greater resale value if you should choose to sell your site in the future.

It is also worthwhile to check whether the name you are registering encroaches on any other trademark. Many people have registered celebrity or company names hoping to make a quick buck by selling them back to their "owners". This usually backfires, as it is an illegal practice called "cybersquatting". It's definitely not worth the court case; even registering a misspelling of a popular brand name can land you in hot water. Generic terms cannot be trademarked to the point of the exclusion of others using the word combinations. Since generic one word domain names are virtually impossible to locate now, try two word combinations that inspire and promote your products or services; e.g. solidbargain.com.

What's in a name? A guide to selecting domain names

Finding a domain name that isn't taken these days is pretty hard to do. If you have ever tried to get a user ID with a service such as Yahoo, you will understand how frustrating it can be when you think up the perfect name that nobody else could have possibly thought of, only to find that yes, you can have that name if you are happy to have 7865 tacked on to the end of it. King Solomon is reported to have said "There is nothing new under the sun".....or the Internet it would seem.

Don't set your heart on any one name, but make a list of possibilities. It's a good idea to be online at the time and to access a WHOIS application to determine whether a name has been taken.
Typing an address into your browser will not be an accurate way of ascertaining ownership as approximately 86% of all domain names currently registered are not in use. A WHOIS query is the most accurate way to tell.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What is a reseller control panel in web hosting?

VishalReseller hosting offers Comprehensive Product portfolio for your Customers and VishalResellers- Domains, Hosting, Email, Site builder , hosting server,a ready made private labeled website for you and your Resellers, business Automation, API for seamless integration.
The Control Panels are a set of ready-made private labeled, multi-lingual web based interfaces for managing all Products and Services, consisting of over 500+ screens representing a 5+ year and ongoing development effort.

VishalReseller hosting offers Comprehensive Product portfolio for your Customers and VishalResellers- Domains, Hosting, Email, Site builder , hosting server,a ready made private labeled website for you and your Resellers, business Automation, API for seamless integration .

The Control panels are -

A Single-point management window for all Products and Services -
Domain Names, cheap hosting, Web Hosting, Email, free web hosting etc. Your Customers, your staff and your Resellers can use the Control Panels to manage all their Products and Services.
• Multi-tier - The Control Panels support an infinite level Reseller chain. You, your Resellers, their Resellers and Customers and so on can individually customize and use the Control Panels
• Multi-lingual - All content of the Control Panels is translation-friendly and available in over 18 languages. You and your Resellers can contribute to the translation effort by adding your own languages
• Private-labeled - All Control Panels are fully brandable. You and your Resellers can point your own URL to them and modify the look and feel of the interfaces by uploading your own HTML for various components such as the Header, footer and so on
• Integrated with your website for upsell opportunity - The Control Panels are aware of and integrated with your website to allow Customers to initiate a purchase process from within the Control Panel. Purchase links are strategically placed to ensure that Customers end up purchasing additional services from you when they are managing a particular service within the Control Panels.
• Secure with granular permissions based access - You and your Resellers can specify different rights and permissions for different groups within your organization such as your sales team, billing team, support team to access different functions of the Control panels
The Control Panels allow you, your Resellers and your Customers to -
• Manage Products & Services
Vishalhost provide an industry leading Reseller Automation platform that allows you, your Reseller network and your Customers to manage all our Products and Services from your own Control Panels.
• Manage Customers and Resellers
You and your Resellers can add funds to Customers/Resellers accounts when they send you payments. These funds can be utilized by them to purchase various Products and services. OrderBox manages all advance accounts, recording of payments and corresponding debits for any purchases.
You do not have to use the Control Panels to manage our Products and Services. You can build your own control Panels from scratch and replicate the functionality provided by our Control Panels. The cpanel are simply provided to jumpstart your business.
The Control Panels are a set of ready-made private labeled, multi-lingual web based interfaces for managing all Products and Services, consisting of over 500+ screens representing a 5+ year and ongoing development effort.

VishalReseller hosting offers Comprehensive Product portfolio for your Customers and VishalResellers- Domains, Hosting, Email, Site builder , hosting server,a ready made private labeled website for you and your Resellers, business Automation, API for seamless integration .

The Control panels are -

A Single-point management window for all Products and Services -
Domain Names, cheap hosting, Web Hosting, Email, free web hosting etc. Your Customers, your staff and your Resellers can use the Control Panels to manage all their Products and Services.
• Multi-tier - The Control Panels support an infinite level Reseller chain. You, your Resellers, their Resellers and Customers and so on can individually customize and use the Control Panels
• Multi-lingual - All content of the Control Panels is translation-friendly and available in over 18 languages. You and your Resellers can contribute to the translation effort by adding your own languages
• Private-labeled - All Control Panels are fully brandable. You and your Resellers can point your own URL to them and modify the look and feel of the interfaces by uploading your own HTML for various components such as the Header, footer and so on
• Integrated with your website for upsell opportunity - The Control Panels are aware of and integrated with your website to allow Customers to initiate a purchase process from within the Control Panel. Purchase links are strategically placed to ensure that Customers end up purchasing additional services from you when they are managing a particular service within the Control Panels.
• Secure with granular permissions based access - You and your Resellers can specify different rights and permissions for different groups within your organization such as your sales team, billing team, support team to access different functions of the Control panels
The Control Panels allow you, your Resellers and your Customers to -
• Manage Products & Services
Vishalhost provide an industry leading Reseller Automation platform that allows you, your Reseller network and your Customers to manage all our Products and Services from your own Control Panels.
• Manage Customers and Resellers
You and your Resellers can add funds to Customers/Resellers accounts when they send you payments. These funds can be utilized by them to purchase various Products and services. OrderBox manages all advance accounts, recording of payments and corresponding debits for any purchases.
You do not have to use the Control Panels to manage our Products and Services. You can build your own control Panels from scratch and replicate the functionality provided by our Control Panels. The cpanel are simply provided to jumpstart your business.

Yahoo Domain Guide

Choosing the right domain name and domain name provider is the first step to creating your new website. Yahoo! Domains is one of the leading domain registrars in the world and has the backing of Yahoo!, a leading internet company. In fact, Yahoo! hosts its domains and websites on the very same servers as Yahoo.com, making it the most reliable domain and hosting provider in the industry.
In addition, Yahoo! provides domain names for as little as $1.99 per year(for new customers)and $9.95 for existing customers, with no set up fees. Other, domain providers charge as much as $35 per year and do not provide as many features or functionality as Yahoo! For example, Yahoo! Domains is one of the few companies that provides 24/7 toll free phone and email support.

The biggest strength of Yahoo Domains is that it is backed by the reputation and security of Yahoo, one of the largest internet companies in the world. You do not have to worry about Yahoo going out of business and losing your domain, like you might with other lesser known domain providers.
Also, Yahoo Domains, unlike many domain providers, offers phone/email service. Yahoo Domains has very few weaknesses especially if you can take advantage of the $1.99 domain name offer.
If you are looking for a cheap,reliable, and secure domain registration company then we highly recommend Yahoo! Domains. However, Yahoo! Domains is not recommended if you need to purchase multiple domain names or you require advanced hosting features like virtual or dedicated servers.

Yahoo Domains Benefits And Importance

The domain yahoo is one of the most popular in the world and it has become a market leader by providing the much needed access to many services for the customers. The first thing you can benefit from it is the establishment of an email ID which will go long way in launching you into a world where communication can happens with ease. You can open your communication links through the yahoo messenger and other benefits are having your own space for albums and have your file storage in which you can review them from any place. You can get a domain from yahoo and begin the process of having your own web site.

The Domain Name yahoo has therefore brought and continues to bring a world of difference by providing the free services. Through domain yahoo you will get to see all the products that provided and above the mentioned products are yahoo widgets, yahoo travel, yahoo tool bar, yahoo small business, yahoo shopping, yahoo search, yahoo real estate, yahoo photos, yahoo music, yahoo mobile, yahoo message board, yahoo local, yahoo groups, yahoo finance, yahoo bookmarks, yahoo autos, yahoo 360 and so many other products. Yahoo also provides another vital service pertaining to domains. Domain locking is the prevention of unauthorized transfers to another registrar. Domains that are registered through yahoo can access this service.

 You can get access to so much more information through domain yahoo and some of the most common questions that are asked are on how to lock and unlock your domain and the effects of locking. People also want to know how to create a domain name and yahoo has all the information for you to read. Firstly, a good domain name according to yahoo should be clear and simple.
People should not have trouble remembering it and, it should show the kind of business you do. Domain names are therefore very vital and to come up with a unique address, you need to spend some time and make sure you have the right name. Remember that domains should contain letters, numbers and hyphens.

You are advised to re angle your domain name if you find that it is already in use. It is also good to think of where you register the domain and make sure that it serves your purpose. At domain yahoo, you will find a private domain registration which will help you safeguard your personal information from the public. This is because many domain owners have their contact details exposed to the public because the information is required by the internet governing body.

But, yahoo will make sure that before people access your information, you are first alerted by their business partner Melbourne IT. You will be overwhelmed by the possibilities domain yahoo has to offer. Take sometime and read about the domain and discover so much more, you will find a service you are looking for with ease. The name will continue to break new grounds as it becomes more and more popular to many customers

Yahoo Domains Best Web Solutions

The domain yahoo is lone of the as a rule widespread in the humanity and it has grow to be a sell leader by if the much desirable access to many services used for the customers. The original gadget you can benefit from through domain yahoo is the authorities of an email ID which will move out long way in launching you into a humanity anywhere announcement can happens with improve.
Having locate up more than a a small number of Web sites myself, single of the easiest ways I've found to contract Your Domain Setup and running is to simply function through Yahoo.

Yahoo will register your domains' names in place of under $10 a time, though as of this symbols, Yahoo is having a selling on domains in place of $2.99 apiece time. That's a fate cheaper than selected registrars I've seen with the aim of are still demanding to charge $20 or more immediately in place of domains.
Once you contract your domain registered, you still need to host it somewhere. Again, Yahoo has a regular answer, or several regular answers, in its Geocities service. You can drop down your domains in place of uncontrolled by the side of Yahoo Geocities, but you'll maintain ads. For a nominal fee ($4.95 apiece month) you can contract 500 MB luggage compartment and 25 GB apiece month move -- that's more than an adequate amount in place of nearly everyone starter sites.

If you host your Domains through Yahoo Geocities, you'll contract sufficiently of tools to help you design and get by your situate, an adequate amount to resolve immediately not far off from no matter which permissible you might hunger to resolve on the Net.

You'll maintain access to Yahoo Web Page Templates as well as a point-and-click designer, in addition to the capability to manually theatrical production with your domains' HTML.

Yahoo besides gives you choices in place of uploading, using their stress-free upload supervisor or the more traditional FTP in place of generously proportioned sites. E-mail is part of the package.

A topical addition to the Yahoo Geocities tools is the capability to start and get by a blog on your domains.

All in all, registering and hosting your domains through Yahoo is an stress-free solution in place of a mother country user or small organization.

Yahoo Domains Customer Review

Yahoo Domains is great. I have had an amazing experience using Yahoo to register and maintain my dot com domain name. Before I had my website, I was looking at the elements I needed to get started and wanted to make all of the best selections in terms of the best registrar, website hosting, and design.

I did not want to cut any corners so I did my research before I chose Yahoo Domains. I looked at other companies, what they offered, and the kind of support they would give after the sale. I, of course, also considered the price point as a factor before I made my selection.

Price isn't everything, though. Yahoo is not the most expensive, but it's also not the least expensive in terms of registrars out there. However, they do have the greatest value; at least that was my conclusion after I researched the other popular registrars on the market today. 
Yahoo does more than basic, even with their lowest price domain registration. That is why I like Yahoo Domains. Other companies the offered lower prices than Yahoo did not tend to include as much as Yahoo did with even their basic domain registration.

Yahoo Small Business of course has lots of options for your small business, including website building and things of that nature. Some of these tools and support are included with all of their packages, but some of them are only in the upgrade (higher priced) type packages.

Having these options is what really did it for me. I did not want to be limited to basic domain registration. I wanted the extras and I wanted Yahoo's world class service and support that they have been known for through the years. This way, when trouble strikes, I won't be left feeling helpless. I will get the help I need in a short period of time and with dependable results.

How can I access my Yahoo domain?

Question:I purchased a domain from yahoo last year but can't see the basic website anymore. I can't remember how to access and manage my yahoo domain name. There is no direction on their website either. Thanks for your help in advance :)"

Answer: You'll have to log into your domain control panel to access and manage your yahoo domain.

1. Sign in to your Business Control Panel.URL: http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/services/ (If you have not yet signed in with your Yahoo! ID and password, you'll be prompted to do so here.)
2. Once signed in, you will see modules for each of your domain names on the "Manage My Services" page. Select the "Domain Control Panel" link that corresponds to the domain whose record you wish to edit."

How To Sell Yahoo Domain Names

Decide which website you are going use to sell your Yahoo domain name, such as eBay or Sell Domain, and sign up for an account.
Set a price for your domain name. To ensure you at least break even on the sale, remember to account for the fees you've already paid on the domain name as well as fees charged by the website you're using to sell it.
After you sell the domain name and get confirmation of the buyer's payment, transfer the domain name following the instructions in the domain transfer email Yahoo will send after the buyer requests a domain name transfer.

Yahoo is one of the most popular domain name registry and web hosting services available on the Internet, especially because it offers a discount on domain name registration and web hosting package bundles. It also offers free web page building tools and is compatible with most web building software. But if you decide you no longer want your Yahoo domain name, you can sell it and transfer it to another user.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Domain hosting Bogota from dedicated servers

Hosting dominios from dedicated servers has multiple benefits that a person can enjoy by choosing the right service provider.
Hosting dominios from dedicated servers has multiple benefits that a person can enjoy by choosing the right service provider. The reason why dedicated servers are preferred so widely is because they are manifold more reliable and consistent. Since making money online through website hosting Bogota requires a performing service provider, you need to spare out some time to find a source that is apt for business purpose. Usually web hosting service providers offer a range of options on the packages and contracts that are designed for the varied requirements of the users.

Hence, your selection of a package will bolster the speed and effective of web hosting. Talking about the advantages of availing a dedicated server, your business promotion will not be entirely dependent upon the Web host. Moreover, you will have enhanced control over the concerned dominios that are bestowed by the undedicated servers. A dedicated server will give you reasons more than one to opt for it. Using such a server will enable you to shun the common problems that crop up among Web hosting users. Web hosting Bogota through dedicated servers will make you happy through its excellent customer support. The servers appoint experts who are always available to offer remedies for diverse problems.

So, if you are facing any technical trouble to host the dominios, the approach the technicians with the problem, and they set to work immediately so that instant fix up can be done. As a business person, you must be well aware of the need of keeping a speedy Internet connection at your disposal. The dedicated servers are primarily preferred because of their lightening fast speed and oodles of bandwidth. Thus, online entrepreneurs bank upon website hosting Bogota services because of their efficiency.

Dedicated servers are also advantageous for graphic designers as it allows full control over the servers. What makes the dedicated servers a smart choice is that they will make you feel fully in control of your dominios hosting. Unlimited transfer of data is allowed with the common troubles of Web host eliminated. Thus, the inconveniences suffered can be avoided while enjoying a speedier, smoother more efficient, and unlimited Internet services. So, e-businessmen who want their websites to run seamlessly with any browser should choose a specialized server for domain hosting Bogota. Apart from bestowing you with incomparable control, they also offer a bunch of unique features that only improve the control and usability of the sites.

To add to it, the dedicated servers do not charge an outrageous amount of subscription like the other servers. The charges of the top-rated dedicated servers are minimal and thus, you do not need to overstep your budget limit to afford their services. Thus, it can be said that web hosting through dedicated sites is simply unparallel in terms of quality and affectivity. 
Source: http://www.articledirectoryusa.com/article/category/internet-business/domain-names/domain-hosting-bogota-from-dedicated-servers/


Domain Name Transfer means to transfer domain name from the management from one registrar to another registrar. Registrar is responsible for the management of your domain name.
Domain Name Transfer means to transfer domain name from the management from one registrar to another registrar. Registrar is responsible for the management of your domain name.

To Transfer any domain name, of any of the following TLDs (extensions), you would require to first obtain the Domain (Transfer) Secret or Auth.

Explaining Domain (Transfer) Secret or Authorization (Auth) Code

A Domain (Transfer) Secret or Authorization (Auth) Code is a code assigned by the Registrar at the time the domain name was registered. This Domain (Transfer) Secret acts like a password for a domain name, ensuring that only the owner of the domain can Transfer their domain name.

In case of a .NZ domain name, the Registry directly assigns a code known as Unique Domain Authentication ID (UDAI) upon Registration. The Unique Domain Authentication ID (UDAI) is required for authentication during the Transfer of a .NZ domain name from one Registrar to another.

Ideally, your domain name's Domain Transfer Secret or Auth Code should be available within the Control Panel provided by your Registrar. In the event that you are not able to locate your Domain (Transfer) Secret or Auth Code, you need to contact the Support Team of your Current Registrar, to obtain the same.

There are various cases where a domain name may not be transferable to another Registrar. This could happen in the following circumstances:

1. Domain name is less than 60 days old: If the domain name you are trying to Transfer was registered less than 60 days ago, the request will get rejected by the Registry itself.
2. Domain name has been Transferred less than 60 days ago: A domain name can not be transferred to another Registrar within 60 days of a previous Transfer.
3. Theft Protection / Lock / Suspension has been applied on your domain name: If Theft Protection / Lock / Suspension has been applied on your domain name at the Current Registrar, then a Transfer for that domain name to another Registrar will not be allowed. You will first have to disable Theft Protection / Lock / Suspension for the domain name and then proceed with a Transfer.
4. Privacy Protection has been enabled on your domain name: If you have enabled Privacy Protection for your domain name, then you need to disable it, before trying to transfer it.
5. Domain name is in the Redemption Grace Period or in the Pending Delete status: If the domain name is in either of these statuses, it can not be transferred.

Apart from that Vishalhost provides some more services like transfer .it domain,transfer a domain,domain transfer,transfer .com domain,transfer of domain,transfer .in domain,domain transfer .com and many more.

• If your domain expired with your old Registrar, and you renewed it with them, then do not Transfer it within 45 days of the previous expiry date since it will not add 1 more year to your domain name, and you will lose out on the Renewal fees paid to the older Registrar.
• ICANN & Registry regulations prohibit the transfer of domain names that have been registered or previously transferred within the last 60 Days. Please wait for 60 days from the date of registration or previous transfer before applying for a transfer of such domain names.

Cheap Domain Name Registration

Do you know the importance of cheap domain name registration? Ownership, trustworthiness and credibility and few of them; if you want to know more advantages you can read further.
Do you know the importance of cheap domain name registration? Ownership, trustworthiness and credibility and few of them; if you want to know more advantages you can read further. You will surely find yourself enticed to register the domain name for your website and have your own identity in the world of cyberspace.

A domain name is the address and unique identity which you acquire on the internet. Having your perfect domain name will offer you the similar feeling like the one which you get once you hold the ownership title of your new home. The feeling of ownership is unmatched and it’s definitely the most crucial benefit attached with domain name. When you have your domain name it’s just like you have created your business card over the cyberspace. If you hand over your business card to someone, the person surely makes some speculations and impression about you and your company. In the similar manner your domain name will also point out vital factors about your website. So, it becomes important to choose the right domain name to make the perfect first impression of your website.

Next, you can build your brand through web hosting and getting your website live to your target audience. All you need to do is find the right company that will register your domain name and will help with different processes of web hosting. You can start with cheap domain name registration and study your target market. If you find that your target customers and increasing and they are interested in your website, then you can always contact your web hosting company and convert your cheap domain name registration to a better deal.

When you register your domain and live your website it is just your starting point. In the future you will notice that it has actually opened for you vistas of opportunities which you can easily cash on. Earlier where you had to pay huge to get your customers aware about a particular change or development, you can now inform them easily through your website in cost effective way. You can update your website and issue a notification in the home page about the vital changes. Even the new offers like discounts, cash back, gifts or trips can be communicated to your target customers. So, it’s time for you to choose the web hosting way to success and get your company and website on top!

By: jason gonce
Among other interests, Jason Gonce is a writer who focuses on ethical considerations in business and living life simply and he is an experienced Content writer and publisher on the topics related to web hosting and cheap domain name registration. Article Directory: http://www.articledirectoryusa.com
Source: http://www.articledirectoryusa.com/article/category/internet-business/domain-names/cheap-domain-name-registration-your-gateway-to-success/

Sunday, April 1, 2012

How to become a Google authority website

I personally think this topic hardly discuss on the internet
but i want to reveals of its secrecy,i m not sure why this sensitive topic
cant discuss but i think big boys dont want to discuss on this topics and dont
want to reveals of its exciting benefits,So what is Google authority website, perhaps some basic reader may simply reply the website which have Google adsense in its pages,but that is totally wrong and website which contain google adsense dont means that is Google authority website,The word Google Authority website name not cleared who name it or who suggest it but the reality is that its hard to get google Authority website Most of the Seo Companies dont want you grab this topic "what is Google Authority Website"  but as Web developer and website owner this is very essential for yout know about that,How to become Google authority website To Become google Authority website you must have professional approch and must be hardworking,Your website must be optimized both on the page and off the page you are confused what is off page and on page, its very simple on page you have a quality of content and must be genuine contents, you are using right and to the point Tags keywords,etc all these are basic element of on page optimization and what is off page optimizing Social Networking, Url submission, Advertisement on other website Article submission on different article submission website, and describe your website in good way these all are consider on page and off page stretegies
submit your website in alexa rank and alexa always increase your rank if you have ample amount of traffic, and you have back link on other website, back link in other website is not only alexa ranking criteria, Back link is also consider by Various search engines like Google Search engine Searchbing search engine Yahoo search engine Altavista Search engine,Another good way is to buy cheap traffic for your website and that is some time cost 1000 visit for one dollar to your website but remember one thing which is very important dont buy cheap traffic if you have place google adsense in your website,and want you to be Google authority Website,and what other criteria to become Google authority website , that is if you have,2000 to 2500 Visits daily and that your website never penalize from Google and any other,search Engine,Hope this article will give you enough knowledge to work on this task and ,,keep trying Best of luck guys
This article is copy righted no one can publish with our webhostingmatters.com permission
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